Didactix is a Catering and Hospitality Training Organisation that offers various services to Skills Development Providers to ensure that they maintain their accreditation or approval status with local and international regulatory bodies.
Didactix is headed up by June Steenekamp who has been working in the catering and hospitality industry for more than 30 years.
Didactix offers the following services:
- Assist with QCTO, CATHSSETA, FoodBev SETA and Services SETA accreditation applications
- Assist with implementing national and international qualifications and programmes ensuring all curriculum requirements are met
- Assist with Highfield Qualification centre approval applications
- Facilitate food safety and infection control training
- Facilitate skills training
- Provide learning material for the QCTO Occupational certificates: Chef, Cook, Food Hander and Kitchenhand qualifications/part qualifications. The learning material is 100% mapped to these qualifications
- Develop bespoke learning material and assessment instruments
- Assess and quality assure catering and hospitality qualifications, part qualifications and skills programmes
- Submit applications for Mandatory and Discretionary Grants to the SETAs on behalf of organisations
- Facilitate assessors and moderators training
- Assist chefs with no formal qualifications with the ARPL process to gain access to the QCTO Chefs Trade Test
5 Parade Crescent, Constantia Hills
Cape Town 7806